FSE Blog

This is the blog for Free Speech Extremist. There is also a status page, but it's my status rather than FSE's.

There is a bunch of stuff on the blog. It hasn't been kept very topical.

I ran CofeSpace, a service that hosted instances. There is more information in the initial announcement.

I have since shifted focus to Revolver. The idea is that it accomplishes the goals of FSE and CofeSpace and can replace both, and this will free me from administering an instance and will liberate people from my tyrannical grasp, so that I can just chill and hack and run the pipes and not have to care what anyone does with the pipes. (I am much more interested in coding than I am in trying to moderate grown-ass adults.) It should be relatively resistant to censorship. Go to the page to see if Revolver is out yet and constantly hit the refresh button until it is out.

I also wrote and operate FediList. As you can probably tell from the status page or gather from it being on a demo. subdomain, it's not exactly complete yet and isn't usually top of the priority list. Source will be available on git.fse at some point in the future. As there are other services like fediverse.observer to handle the problem of helping people find an instance, the goal of FediList is, broadly, to provide a useful tool for people that are on fedi, and more specifically, to do this by making data about the network accessible. As an admin, it's been useful to be able to look at a single site where I can find an instance and be able to see the description and uptime and information about who is running the place and how active it is and how old it is. It is hopefully useful to regular users as well: you can see if an instance is down or just inaccessible to you (and there's an RSS feed so you can get notified when it's back up), you can see response times, there's a list of the software powering fedi, a feed (also including RSS) of the newest instances (which is used to power the fedilist bot, things like that. It was created some time after fediverse.network went down. I probably would have just deployed it if I had known that the fediverse.network source was on Github, but by the time I realized that, I had working code. At present, it's part Ruby and part Go, and checks about ten instances per second. (It is probably worth discussing the architecture of the crawler at some point.)

If all of that stuff sounds boring, you can listen to some music.